Saturday, April 6, 2013

Allison's 2nd Birthday!

Hard to believe but Allison will be two on April 8th.  The past two years have gone by so fast.  We love this sweet, EXTREMELY STRONG WILLED little girl more than words can express.

 Allison got an early start to her gifts before everyone arrived for her birthday party.

Love Allison's cake.  It was very good.
She was one week and two days old in this picture.  I was sad because I did not get to be at her newborn photo session.  I was just getting home from the hospital and was ordered to bed.  I had an emergency return to the hospital when Allison was a week old.  I had post partum preeclapsia.  Never heard of it until I was in the hospital being treated for it.  A very scary time.
This is Allison at one year old.  Such a cutie!
Allison is such a big girl now.
She so wanted to get her hands on the cake!
This sweet girl is talking so good and her sweet, little voice is making my heart melt.
Today was bittersweet.  Dad was here for her first birthday but not her second.  There was a time that we thought, he might not see her born.  She has grown so much since daddy died in December.  Some of the last words he said at my house, was that, she was growing up on him.  Little did I know that would be the last time, he was in our house.  It was the last McAlister's lunch we had together.
She fell asleep during her party but woke up in time to eat, do cake and open presents.
Daddy's girl!
Present time!
Fun time with the balloons!
Outside playing on her new slide.
Playing with chalk is another favorite.
Love our sweet girl and feel so blessed that God gave her to us to raise.