Friday, December 30, 2011

A Friday Out

Friday was Allison's DOC Band adjustment day in Dallas.  Since it was not a late appointment, we decided to make a day of it.  After the appointment, we headed to North Park for some lunch.  I am not real big on Chinese food and the other times we tried to eat at a P. F. Chang's, it was a really long wait.  Nathan has been been to one on several occasions through business.  I had Lo Mein and it was the best Chinese I have had to eat in a long time.  Aaron even liked their chicken but not the honey sauce.  Allison had her peach yogurt for the day.  After lunch, I did some quick shopping, so we could have enough time at the Children's Aquarium at Fair Park. 

The last time I was at this aquarium, I was probably Aaron's age.  They have remodeled since then.

 Stingray Bay was a big hit.  Aaron got to touch the stingrays.

Daddy and Allison watching from the deck. 

 After the Aquarium, we walked around the pond at Fair Park.  Aaron enjoyed the squid sculptor in the water.  I might have the name wrong.

After Fair Park, we ate in Forney and then headed toward home.  I had not made it to see the new Collin Street Bakery in Lindale.  So, that is where we picked up dessert.  The day had gone great with no incidents but we were not "home", yet.  Allison woke up after we got in the car at Collin Street.  She was not happy and nothing would work.  About the time we made it to the Methodist Church, she was so mad that she threw up.  Of course, Aaron starts freaking out.  If you know my son, that can be a treat, also.  We got everything taken care of and made it home.